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Addictive Behaviours and our Energy Centres

About this session

More often than not my workshops and online sessions focus on the science behind addiction and recovery - genetics; neurotransmitters; the impact of hormones; gut health and nutritional deficiencies; how trauma affects us; and about the substances themselves so we get a deeper understanding about why we are drawn to particular substances.

But in my experience, this isn’t the whole picture. Often we will quit one substance or behaviour, and then we find that some other addictive pattern of behaviour pops up, like a game of whack-a-mole.

So we need to go deeper if we want to get a real handle on why we behave in the ways that we do.

This session looks at the energetics of addictive behaviours.

Energy centres, or chakras, and how they are linked to addictive behaviours

Adapted from: Anodea Judith, Eastern Body, Western Mind (2004).

We will discuss how archetypes connect with our energy centres (also known as chakras), and then how they can show up in self-damaging behaviour patterns. Examples of archetypes include the Wounded Child, the Saboteur, the Caregiver, the Rebel, and of course, the Addict.

Most importantly though, we will talk about how we can shift these damaging patterns of behaviour with self-compassion.

If you’re curious, then come along!


Location: On Zoom

Date: 19 October 2023

Time: 7.00 - 8.30pm (GMT)

Cost: £12

The session will be available as a recording for those who can’t make it in person.